I am a web developer & user interface designer.
feel free to contact me.
I am a Toronto based web developer with experience in creating web solutions, most recently focusing on user experience design. I am passionate about building web experiences using robust, extensible frameworks and tools, always striving to continuously learn new skills and the latest technologies in each of my projects.
I have done everything from front-end development, to back-end development to systems deployment on Amazon AWS EC2 instances. I have a wide variety of experience
Completed the 9 week intensive full time Web Development course focusing on back-end web deelopment using Ruby on Rails.
Completed the 10 week User Experience immersive course for User Experience Design.
Assisted classes of up 20 students in a series of 9-week courses that introduced web development to beginners.
Front-End development of the web application utilizing HTML5, Less, and JavaScript leveraging the Bootstrap framework and a Ruby on Rails/SQL back-end.
Mentoring and leading class instructions during the hour long lunch time program at John Wanless Public school teaching children between the ages of 8 and 12 the fundamentals of HTML and CSS.
Front-end, back-end and system operations for the Digital Media team building web solutions for all internal projects for Mark Media, New Realm Studios, NTDTV and Epoch Times.
Developed interactive interface and web components for a prototype projects using Pug, Sass, and AngularJS.
Front-end Web developer - Working on multiple projects for multiple clients.
Web developer